This is a super piano from Yamaha. The Clavinova clp-840 has a great sound and feeling.

Yamaha Clavinova CLP-840 Piano
this is the piano clavinova from yamaha. It has 3 pedals.
clavinova clp-840 yamaha
The speaker low bass
clavinova clp-840 yamaha
the voltage regulator board of the piano clp-840
Yamaha Clavinova CLP-840 Piano
the power supply board that goes to the transformer of the clavinova
clavinova clp-840 yamaha
clavinova clp-840 yamaha
the digital board of the clavinova clp-840 of Yamaha
the digital board of the clavinova clp-840 of Yamaha has chips that were developed by Yamaha.
transformer of the clavinova clp-840 of Yamaha
clavinova clp-840 yamaha
the transformer marking of the piano
clavinova clp-840 yamaha
clavinova clp-840 yamaha
back of the keys
keys links of the clavinova

Find the service manual here of the CLP-120 as I could not find the CLP-840 one